Contact details
You can contact us via email, telephone or social media. Our office is located in Hakaniemi, Helsinki.
Email addresses
info(at) – general inquiries
firstname.lastname(at) – staff members
Staff members
Jenni Tamminen-Sirkiä, Executive Director
Tel. +358 44 556 1132
Emmi Toivonen, Communications & NGO Specialist
Tel. +358 44 515 7517
Emma Andersson, Advocacy Specialist
Tel. +358 45 104 5836
Kaisa Häkkänen, Coordinator (communication, patient guides, EUPATI)
Tel. +358 41 721 1209
Suvi Sileekangas, Coordinator on Digital Inclusion and Multiculturalism
Tel. +358 44 4914 590
Association’s Facebook page in Finnish
Association’s Facebook page in English
Twitter @syopapotilaat
Street address
Siltasaarenkatu 4
Globaalikeskus, 7th floor
00530 Helsinki
If you are thinking of visiting our office without an appointment, please call us to make sure we’re available. Please ring the doorbell that says ‘Globaalikeskus’ on the street level. On the 7th floor, please ring our own doorbell.