Writing prompt 2018

The prompt is open until the end of the year, so you still have a chance to participate.
Summer is here! The warm season is an optimal time for creative writing and fresh perspectives. Check out the writing prompt and challenge yourself to share a story.
The prompt aims at encouraging participants to write about cancer from new and creative points of view. If you’ve always wanted to draft short stories, poems, scripts for plays, magnificent science fiction or romantic tales, now you have a chance to do so. The stage is waiting for writers!
Pick a topic, check out the instructions below and start writing. Texts can be submitted throughout the summer and we may publish them even before the prompt ends in October. The writing challenge is not limited to participants residing in Finland, so anyone with an interest to share a story can participate.
- Benign work: (Me,) cancer and work
- Peer support
- Future cancer care/treatment and research
- Choose your own topic
Your writing can be either a work of fiction or factual, the genre and further title is up to you. Regular blog posts are not part of this prompt. Participation is free of charge and we do not pay for submissions.
Good to know before you submit your story:
- The prompt is for anyone who is at least 18 years of age
- The submitted text(s) must be previously unpublished
- You can write under your own name or a pen name
- Your writing can be in Finnish, English or Swedish
- The style is up to you, as long as it is one of the above mentioned topics
- Maximum length 8000 characters incl. spaces
- We’ll provide proofreading before a potential publication
- On the document, kindly indicate which topic you’ve chosen (e.g. 2. Peer support)
- Submit the text(s) at the latest on 31 December 2018 at info(at)syopapotilaat.fi in Word or other readable format (no PDF documents)
The prompt texts will be used by the Association of Cancer Patients in Finland and published under blogs or other forms of online or paper publication. By submitting your text you give a permission to the Association to publish your text in any format. The Association reserves the right not to consider or publish texts if they are inappropriate, unlawful or otherwise unsuitable for the writing challenge.
Have an inspirational summer!
Du kan gärna också delta på svenska!
Further information at info(at)syopapotilaat.fi. Information in Finnish on the prompt challenge.
Photos: CC0 Pexels